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Slovak Society for Cybernetics and Informatics (SSKI) at the Slovak Academy of Sciences is a scientific and professional society supporting implementation of information technologies and automation of processes in industries and services.

Slovak Society for Cybernetics and Informatics (SSKI) at the Slovak Academy of Sciences is a scientific and professional society supporting implementation of information technologies and automation of processes in industries and services. SSKI was established on September 22, 1966 as Slovak Cybernetic Society.

SSKI main activities are:
- dissemination of research and development results in the fields of cybernetics, informatics and artificial intelligence
- enhancing professional competence of its members and providing support of their scientific and professional activities
- cooperation with the Slovak Academy of Sciences, universities, research institutions and scientific institutes, companies and related organizations.

Since 1987, SSKI has been member society of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAi)and since 1992 Slovak National Member Organization (NMO) in the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).

SSKI is organizer of international conferences Kybernetika a informatika, , IEEE conferences and also of workshops, conferences a symposiums organized under the auspices of IFAC.

SSKI is publisher of the electronic journal Journal of Cybernetics and Informatics.

Head office of SSKI is Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology – Institute of Automotive Mechatronics.